One of the final things to check off to complete the requirements of my provisional year was the provisional project.
My provisional project involved Sistercare, a wonderful organization who helps women stuck in tough situations get back on their feet while being surrounded by a caring environment.
This project also served as a Done-in-a-Day service project, so we were joined by other Active members of the League.
During the project itself, we spent some time talking to one of the women who works for Sistercare; she gave us a great view of Sistercare's outreach and actions and how they are able to do so much for these women who have so little.
Upon arriving at Sistercare, we helped landscape and paint a mural in the children's shelter on the property.
I worked on the mural, and was very pleased with the results!! The group decided to paint a mural based on Shel Silverstein's book, The Giving Tree.

After some intense effort from various provisionals and actives alike, we all had a final product we were proud of. My favorite part is the little boy!
What is not clear from the picture, but a special addition to the mural, on the tree itself, we included a heart inscribed with "JLC + SC" to remind both the women and children who use that building and ourselves of the bond between our two organizations.
In addition to the mural, we landscaped the outside yard by adding mulch, planting flowers, and tidying up the area around the playground equipment. The difference after we finished was amazing!
Aside from the good we were doing as a group for this organization, it was a great chance to meet other provisionals and actives that I had not met before. One provisional brought along a friend of hers who was not in the league to help out so we got to do a little outside PR for the Junior League! Everyone left with a sense of accomplishment seeing how our efforts paid off and I'm glad I was able to participate in this specific event.
Post by: Meggie Baker