The Farmers' Market provided the perfect backdrop to promote the JLC's new focus of healthy children. On top of the many trucks, kids were able to enjoy time in the bounce houses and learn about healthy eating at the Certified South Carolina Grown table and JLC's Kids in the Kitchen booth. There was even an agricultural simulator for the kids to learn about and experience the feeling of crop harvesting right here in South Carolina. From bomb trucks, to antique military vehicles, to CAT equipment, to the da Vinci Surgical Robot, there was something new and exciting for everyone to explore at Touch A Truck.
As Acquisitions Chair, I helped lead the efforts of our committee to reach out to our community and invite exhibitors from all different types of industries. Equipment came to our event from across the Midlands and we are extremely grateful to the following exhibitors for taking time out of their Saturday to help support the Junior League of Columbia:
I talked with many parents who were very appreciative of the opportunity for their children to safely explore and touch the many trucks that our committee assembled. It was a great feeling to see the hard work we put into this event turn into such a tangible and memorable reward. Since this is my provisional year in the Junior League, I especially enjoyed working with our members, our sponsors, and our local community to bring this event together. The weather was absolutely perfect, and I'm thankful for the entire Touch A Truck committee and the shift workers that worked tirelessly to make this day such a success, particularly the chairs and vice-chairs who went above and beyond for this special event. We're looking forward to building on the success of this year's event and getting to work on next year's Touch A Truck!