A nice lunch, a chance to learn from others in our community, and some informative conversation awaited 30 members of the JLC this past Tuesday. On March 28, 2012, a group of us had the opportunity to learn more about the league’s focus on healthy children and how that focus is shared by various nonprofit organizations throughout the state at a recent “Lunch with Leaders” at the JLC Headquarters. Leaders from the SC March of Dimes, Winston’s Wish, Healthy Learners, CASA, SC Prevention of Teen Pregnancy, Girls on the Run, Children's Trust of SC and Edventure talked to the group about what they thought healthy children meant, the main obstacles against children being healthy in South Carolina, and what we, as members of the Junior League, could do to help support their programs through our focus on healthy children.

While each speaker had individual ideas that focused on their particular organization, an overall theme of awareness and education emerged as the speakers gave us their thoughts on what should be done to help children stay healthy in all aspects of their lives. It was interesting to see how, although through different programs, the organizations shared a common purpose and goal. All of the leaders encouraged us to help spread the word about the programs available; as many people are just unaware of the various ways to get help when needed. I encourage all everyone to look up these organizations and see all the beneficial programs they have available and to tell other people, both in and out of the league, about these organizations when the opportunity strikes. We will be able to help relay our focus on healthy children by helping these organizations reach out to people who otherwise might not know where to go for their needs.
Thank you to the Education and Development committee for planning a great event for JLC members!
Post by: Meggie Baker
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