Here's a look at what the Junior League does throughout the Columbia area!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Healthy Kids with Special Needs Fall Recap
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A Sneak Preview of the Holiday Market Auction

Monday, November 12, 2012
Holiday Market Made Possible by our Sponsors
League Leader
Southern Way Catering
Franklin Jones Coldwell Banker
League Partner
Displays Unlimited
Palmetto Party Rental
Two Men and A Truck
The State Media Company
Wells Fargo
PODS Mobile Storage
Spectra Integration
Heartstrings Hospice
League Advocate Alliance Consulting Engineers BlueCross BlueShield of SC League Supporter SakiTumi NBSC First Citizens Cricket Newman Grecian Gardens Ed Robinson Cleaners Chocolate Nirvana DiPrato's Cupcake Blue Marlin Villa Tronco Solstice Mr. Friendly's Cellar on Greene Takosushi Terra Morganelli's Worth Repeating
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
JLC's ABCD's Event is "Best Thing Ever!"
I'm so thankful that our good friend, Miss Sandee Hensley from Jubilee Academy, included us in the Junior League's Annual event ABCD's for kids this year. I am very blessed to have been a part of it. I am currently the Director at Ezekiel Ministries and we hope to get involved again next year. As most of you know, the Junior League organizes an event at Wal-mart every year that provides some essentials for kids who are in great need and very underprivileged. Kids receive a coat, shoes, socks, a book, and a recipe and all the ingredients for a healthy meal for family. What a great idea!
I brought an 11-year old boy, Jaquaris, whose mother had to work, so I got to experience the whole thing first hand. My favorite part of the day was that some brilliant individual came up with the idea of having a personal shopper for each family. I think that is the best thing ever! I had an entire list of things Jaquaris had to find, but I never even had to look at it. Our personal shopper not only found and carted all of Jaquaris's items, they treated this boy like a king, and made what would normally be a pretty stressful situation, fun and easy for him. I am so thankful. Even if I could find a place that had this service, I am sure they couldn't do this job with the care and love for these families the Junior League showed our kids and their families today.
It's really awesome that the kids got the royal treatment for once, but the bigger picture is that some of the main staples parents have to buy his time of year were taken care of. These parents span from all different spectrum of life. All are in poverty, but most for different reasons. Some are just single parents with no education working hard to make ends meet. Some suffer from addiction and their low income and decision-making skills are held captive by their addictions. Others are have been beaten down by life so much that they have given up hope.Josh Whitlock
In the Bible we are told, so many times, we are to care for the fatherless and the widows. We are so thrilled to have partners, like the Junior League of Columbia, who share in our mission to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. The blessing for these kids and families is one that makes a big impact on their finances. When I was telling one of the mothers about the opportunity, she informed me that one of her children was just about to grow out of the jacket she'd gotten at the same event a few years ago. That same mom has just recently finished job training at the adult education center and has been diligently seeking a job for three months. She is out there working toward getting on her feet and providing for her family. She has a lot of circumstances working against her, but she's moving forward. I am glad to say that she got a job today!
In some cases I know the generosity gets abused, but in many cases, like this one, it's just that little bit of support and love someone needs to keep trying. It was a great service for the families that got to come. On behalf of the families at Ezekiel Ministries, and I'm sure everyone else who participated would join with me, THANK YOU!
Guest Post By:
Director, Ezekiel Ministries
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Lunch w/ Leaders: The Importance of Understanding and Educating the Community on Proper Childhood Dental Health
As many of you know, children’s dental care is now a priority for the League as part of our community focus area. A panel of community leaders specializing in children’s dental health shared their knowledge with League members during this session. Panelists included a representative from Healthy Learners (who is also a former school nurse), a dental hygienist, a representative from DHEC’s division of Oral Health, a pediatrician from Palmetto Health, a pediatric dentist, as well as a Junior League of Columbia member who is a dentist (thank you, Dr. Erin Causey). This group did an incredible job of presenting some of the many challenges facing children in SC in regard to oral health.

Parental education is critical. Every child should have a “dental home” by age 1. Juice and chocolate milk in “sippy cups” are major contributors to tooth decay in young children. Water is the only thing that should ever be in a” sippy cup”! The PH level in drinks (acid) is also harmful to teeth. The frequency that a child drinks sugar is what causes cavities – not just how much sugar is in a single drink. Baby teeth are important (apparently there are baby tooth root canals – yikes). “Mountain Dew Disease” is terrible. One of the panelists said he could tell a Mountain Dew drinker almost immediately by looking at his or her teeth.
As League members we, of course, wanted to know, “What can we do to help?” Fortunately, there are a number of ways the League could make an impact in this area. We can serve as advocates in the community to bring this issue to the spotlight, and we can include educational materials and other resources at our events and incorporate them in our existing projects and activities. There are probably endless opportunities for the JLC to help address this epidemic, and I feel certain we will rise to this exciting challenge. Stay tuned!
On a closing note, I have to take this opportunity to remind everyone that poor oral health doesn’t only affect children who live in poverty. If you have children, be sure you are heading advice for keeping their mouths healthy. I bought some cool, neon-colored child-size “flossers” yesterday for my son and have vowed to make sure they are used! I hope we can all work together to bring lots of healthy smiles to our community and look forward to the JLC putting its efforts behind this worthy cause.
Post by: Carla Moore, President Elect
Monday, October 22, 2012
Here's to Your Health DIAD Project
Thursday, October 4, 2012
A Warm Welcome & Thoughtful Fellowship

After a long day, this time together was a sense of renewal and purpose for me – and excitement for the work to come as I adjust to my new city and serve alongside this formidable group of community leaders.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Newest Artists of the Junior League

At first, the painting looked a little complicated, but as she began the lesson, it became clearer that it was a little bit simpler than it looked. Step-by-step, we all followed her instruction, and by the end of the evening, the room was filled with 35 unique versions of the painting.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Toot Toot! Touch A Truck Zooms Into Columbia!
The Farmers' Market provided the perfect backdrop to promote the JLC's new focus of healthy children. On top of the many trucks, kids were able to enjoy time in the bounce houses and learn about healthy eating at the Certified South Carolina Grown table and JLC's Kids in the Kitchen booth. There was even an agricultural simulator for the kids to learn about and experience the feeling of crop harvesting right here in South Carolina. From bomb trucks, to antique military vehicles, to CAT equipment, to the da Vinci Surgical Robot, there was something new and exciting for everyone to explore at Touch A Truck.
As Acquisitions Chair, I helped lead the efforts of our committee to reach out to our community and invite exhibitors from all different types of industries. Equipment came to our event from across the Midlands and we are extremely grateful to the following exhibitors for taking time out of their Saturday to help support the Junior League of Columbia:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A Provisional Perspective: The Provisional Project
After some intense effort from various provisionals and actives alike, we all had a final product we were proud of. My favorite part is the little boy!
What is not clear from the picture, but a special addition to the mural, on the tree itself, we included a heart inscribed with "JLC + SC" to remind both the women and children who use that building and ourselves of the bond between our two organizations.
In addition to the mural, we landscaped the outside yard by adding mulch, planting flowers, and tidying up the area around the playground equipment. The difference after we finished was amazing!
Aside from the good we were doing as a group for this organization, it was a great chance to meet other provisionals and actives that I had not met before. One provisional brought along a friend of hers who was not in the league to help out so we got to do a little outside PR for the Junior League! Everyone left with a sense of accomplishment seeing how our efforts paid off and I'm glad I was able to participate in this specific event.
Post by: Meggie Baker
Friday, March 30, 2012
Public Affairs Team and New Board Members Attend Luncheon With Members of the South Carolina Women's Caucus
Darla Moore—who more than lived up to her reputation as a dynamic personality—was the key note speaker. She told us “three stories.” The moral of these personal experiences also came in a set of three:
1) being from rural South Carolina is not a hindrance to getting
ahead in life,
2) do not spray money around and pray it solves the problem, and
3) put your boots on the ground and make a difference.
So, Junior League of Columbia, let’s get those boots on the ground for Healthy Children! We will be in more places serving more faces than ever before with our targeted issues under Healthy Children. The year ahead is full of promise as this year comes to a close with several community events and a fundraiser left to go. Please support the upcoming events. And, as placement dawns upon us, give meaningful thought to where you want to put your boots on the ground during the 2012-2013 League year.
Post by: Pamela Adams
Monday, March 19, 2012
Columbia, Start Your Engines!

Touch A Truck features all things that go! Kids have the opportunity to explore big vehicles like fire trucks, cement trucks, bulldozers and school buses and meet the fine people who build, protect and serve the Columbia area . This community event also features family-friendly entertainment, plus information on healthy eating from JLC's Kids in the Kitchen. Mascots, face painting and other amusements round out the fun. Come join us on April 14, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the New State Farmers Market! Admission for Touch A Truck is $6 per person and children under one year old are free with a paying adult.
Post By: Connelly-Anne Bartle
Saturday, March 3, 2012
JLC Public Affairs Team Meets with Governor Haley
Governor Haley shared with us that from her perspective, the two biggest problems for children in South Carolina are the rising epidemic of obesity and literacy. She feels that the entire family needs to be educated on these issues to fix the problems. We told her about our Kids in the Kitchen program teaching about healthy nutrition and the work we have done through Smart Matters to encourage reading and learning for children and parents.
Governor Haley gave us some insight into a new initiative that the Governor’s Office will be launching later this month geared toward improving the quality of life for families in rural communities. Each month a different rural county in the state will be highlighted and provided with much needed resources such as health screenings, access to the DMV services and help to acquire their GEDs. In addition, Haley’s Office will be promoting the positive stories and news from these counties to the rest of the state.
Haley encouraged our members to get involved with this initiative and her staff will provide us with further information. As our time came to an end, the Governor pledged her support to the League and offered to assist with any of our volunteer or advocacy efforts to improve our community and state.
Many thanks to Public Affairs Team members, Katherine Haltiwanger and Jamie Shuster, for making this meeting possible.
By: Emily Brady, Public Affairs Team Chair
2012 Healthy Kids Expo: Can You B543210?
This was a free event for the entire family designed to engage everyone in learning healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes and participate in fun workouts to get both kids and parents moving. We entertained around 125 parents and children!

We focused on Palmetto Health’s new health initiative slogan: “Can you B543210?” We had the following stations to educated kids on healthy eating and lifestyle.
5- eat at least 5 fruits and veggies each day
4- drink 4 glasses of water
3- eat or drink 3 servings of dairy daily
2- limit screen time to less than 2 hours
1- be physically active for at least 1 hour
0- avoid sweetened beverages
Also on hand, we had doctors and nutritionists from the new Palmetto Health Obesity and Diabetes Clinic and USC Sports Medicine to help educate about healthy eating alternatives. We finished the day with Columbia’s own national award-winning Double Dutch Forces, something our President, Kristy Ellenberg, couldn't resist sitting on the sidelines for! Go Kristy!!
Post by: Katie W. Rankin
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Lunch with Leaders #2!

A nice lunch, a chance to learn from others in our community, and some informative conversation awaited 30 members of the JLC this past Tuesday. On March 28, 2012, a group of us had the opportunity to learn more about the league’s focus on healthy children and how that focus is shared by various nonprofit organizations throughout the state at a recent “Lunch with Leaders” at the JLC Headquarters. Leaders from the SC March of Dimes, Winston’s Wish, Healthy Learners, CASA, SC Prevention of Teen Pregnancy, Girls on the Run, Children's Trust of SC and Edventure talked to the group about what they thought healthy children meant, the main obstacles against children being healthy in South Carolina, and what we, as members of the Junior League, could do to help support their programs through our focus on healthy children.

While each speaker had individual ideas that focused on their particular organization, an overall theme of awareness and education emerged as the speakers gave us their thoughts on what should be done to help children stay healthy in all aspects of their lives. It was interesting to see how, although through different programs, the organizations shared a common purpose and goal. All of the leaders encouraged us to help spread the word about the programs available; as many people are just unaware of the various ways to get help when needed. I encourage all everyone to look up these organizations and see all the beneficial programs they have available and to tell other people, both in and out of the league, about these organizations when the opportunity strikes. We will be able to help relay our focus on healthy children by helping these organizations reach out to people who otherwise might not know where to go for their needs.
Thank you to the Education and Development committee for planning a great event for JLC members!
Post by: Meggie Baker