Sustainer Mothers and Daughters Share Memories of League Service
This was an original article featured in the August 2013 issue of the Major League News.
Submitted by Mary Frances Jowers, Sustainer Outreach Chair
Community Service is an integral part of the Junior League and always has been. Sustainers provide and set a strong example of League service. There are several mother and daughter members of the League, and several of these families have shared their memories - memories that serve to remind us we are all part of this long history of service.
Sustainer Betsey Exum with her daughter, Sustainer Lisa Courson, granddaughter Elizabeth Baker, and great granddaughter Elly Baker (born September 2010) |
Betsey Exum volunteered with the Columbia Museum of Art and helped found the Speech & Hearing Center in the 1950's. At that time, children with speech and hearing needs were not offered services in the schools. Years later, Exum's daughter, Sustainer
Lisa Courson, was the League Representative on the Board of the Speech & Hearing Center. As a result of the League's efforts, the need for this service had been identified, met and fulfilled by the schools. Exum's commitment to service was important to her daughter Courson, who explained, "I grew up seeing my mother set the example of being actively involved in the community, and I tried to follow her example and set the same example for my children."
Louisa "Binkie" Tobias served the community through her Junior League volunteer work at the Columbia Museum of Art and the Speech & Hearing Center. Her daughter, Sustainer
Louisa Campbell, has childhood memories of going to puppet shows at the art museum and going with her mother to the Speech & Hearing Center, where she served as a volunteer tester. Years later, when Campbell was President of the League, an emergency situation arose when the printer could not get the League Magazine mailed in time to publicize the upcoming membership meeting. It would require an employee at the print shop to stay up all night to keep the presses running. Just when prospects looked dim, an employee overheard the conversation and spoke up to volunteer his time. He said that years earlier, the Junior League ladies at the Speech & Hearing Center worked tirelessly to help his son. He overcame hearing loss and a speech impediment that kept him from going to school with his friends. "I saw him cry as he watched his friends climb on the school bus. But, those Junior League ladies never gave up on my boy. Today he speaks better than I do. I could never do enough to thank those Junior League ladies." The magazine was mailed out on time, and the membership and community guests crowded the auditorium to hear the acclaimed Nancy Austin, co-author of "In Search of Excellence." It was a great day after all.
Campbell explained that she was so grateful for the timely gift she received on behalf of a past generation of Junior League ladies. "Never underestimate the impact of your community service. It affects people in ways that you may never know, whose thanks you may never hear. But, rest assured that your volunteer service pays forward a very powerful gift."
Sustainer Mary Ruffin Weaver Childs, Active Jenny-Gray Childs Tatum, May Weaver Tatum (Born January 2013) |
Mary Ruffin Childs explained, "One of the greatest privileges of being a member of the JLC has been the exposure our children had to the work we did in the community." Childs recalled that while she was the chair of the Second Look Thrift Store both of her daughters, Active
Jenny-Gray Tatum and
Halfie Childs spent many hours helping to accept and unload donated items from generous JLC members. During this time they learned first-hand the joy of selling those items to members of the community through greatly discounted prices.
Regarding the family connection, Childs stated, "Our family tradition for 25 years has been to go to the Holiday Market; it is the highlight of the holiday season for my daughters and me, and they have always understood the money is returned to community projects." Childs explained that while she was serving on the JLC board, including President, her daughters were immersed among the multitude of servant leaders who blazed the trail for them today. Tatum added, "My mom worked very hard as a leader in the League and I knew early on that I wanted to be a part of something that was fun and gave back to the community. Today, my mom and I love catching up about what is happening in the League and discussing the exciting opportunities for JLC in the future."
Sustainer Patti Trotter and her daughter, Active Jessica Trotter Shand |
Patti Trotter began her placement as a new Junior League member volunteering for the Richland Memorial Hospital Center for Cancer Treatment & Research (CCTR). Three years later, the JLC asked her to serve on the CCTR's Board as a League community representative. For nine years, this placement became an integral part of not only Trotter's life, it became a passion for some members of her family. Her oldest daughter,
Jessica Trotter Shand, lost no time in becoming a constant companion of her mother's for many years as she carried out all facets of Board responsibilities. Shand is now an active member of the JLC herself, and she has many fond memories of working with her mother and other League members to put together hundreds of food baskets for the CCTR patients and their families during the Christmas holidays. Every year, the CCTR hosted a weekend retreat for the cancer patients and their families; Shand attended this event with her mother for many years and together they grew tremendously from watching how little it took to make a difference in someone's life.
Trotter summed up her memories by stating, "What an honor for a mother to get to share years of memories with a special daughter." Shand added, "It is very special to now enjoy JLC events together. I join her for a few Sustainer events each year, and we always enjoy Holiday Market together."
League service is a family tradition for Sustainer
Beau Mitchell. She has three daughters who are Sustainers:
Susan Mitchell Callahan,
Ellen Mitchell Siron, and
Marie Mitchell Strohecker. Her granddaughter (and Siron's daughter) is Active
Katie Siron. Ellen Siron fondly noted, "The greatest gift a mother can give her children is the ability to love, serve, and connect with others. For three generations, the League has provided my family with lasting friendships, service opportunities, training, and a commitment of philanthropy within the community. The values found within this unique organization of women are strong, steadfast, and ones I am proud to support and pass on to future generations. Being a part of the League was a gift given by my mother and one I had always hoped to pass to my daughters."
Cece Zimmerman noted that helping others who are less fortunate is something we should all do. Her three daughters,
Katie Atkinson,
Natalie Zimmerman, and
Julia Bowers are all active in the League. Sustainer Zimmerman explained that her favorite placement was chairing the Toy Sale that the League did for the underprivileged before Christmas as well as her Holiday Market placements. Her daughters have all taken on significant placements, mostly related to Holiday Market. Zimmerman stated, "I guess my volunteerism wore off on my girls! I am so proud that they all feel the need to help raise money to go back into our community to help others."
Other mother and daughter League members include:
- Sustainer Jean Bruton and her daughter Active Margaret Bruton
- Sustainer Margaret Clarkson and her daughter Sustainer Gene Clarkson Brabham
- Sustainer Mahalie Davies and her daughter Active Mahalie Davies Moore
- Sustainers Cornelia (Nela) Gibbons Edgar and her daughter Caroline Gibbons Williams
- Sustainers Elaine Folline and her daughter Emily Folline Mikell
- Sustainers Vesta Haselden and her daughter Anne Haselden Foster
- Sustainer Sue Hodges and her daughter Active Mary Hodges
- Sustainers Lou King and daughter Louise (Gil) King Cavanagh
- Sustainers Caroline (Caro) Marchant and her daughter Caroline Marchant Borucki
- Sustainers Sandra Ravenel and her daughter Janie Ravenel Godbold
- Sustainers Pamela Milliken Reed and her daughter Pamela Reed Pope
- Sustainer Beth Wilson and her daughters Actives Margaret Asay and Bebe deTreville.
Apologies are extended to mothers and daughters who are not included. If you and your mother or daughter are both JLC members, please let Maria know so we can update our records!