Submitted by Christy Snow, Provisional Member
My name is Christy Snow, and I’ve lived in Columbia full-time
for about six years. I moved here from Greenville to go to school at the
University of South Carolina, but I’ve always loved Columbia since I was a
little girl. For me it’s got everything I need – reasonably priced shopping,
options for an active lifestyle, an awesome job, great restaurants that I can
go to in yoga pants and, of course, Gamecock football.
I will say that my only disappointment in Columbia happened
when I graduated college in 2010. Nearly all of my friends moved away upon
graduating, and I had to start from scratch again. For the first couple of
years, I fortunately had the distractions of building a career, tackling that “freshman
15” that held on to my hips for dear life and learning adult things such as how
to pay a water bill and change an air filter. However, once I was able to get
my feet on the ground, I realized my social life and charitable giving of my
time had a taken a serious backburner in my life.
Enter Junior League of Columbia. I’ve always been familiar
with the League from co-workers, friends and the twenty JLC car stickers I see
driving around on any given day in Columbia, so I figured it was worth looking
into. The dues were affordable and I had no issues finding sponsors (A big
thanks to Carol Caulk and Powers Strickland!). From the get go, I had a good feeling
about joining and was ready to dive in.
First Provisional

I am not crazy about the word “orientation.” It typically
means sitting for hours on end, listening to a bunch of talking heads loading
you down with answers to questions that you don’t even have yet. JLC’s Provisional
Committee surprised me. At most, it was only two hours of your typical
orientation activities. Even in those two hours, I was engaged in the
presentation the entire time (with the help of complimentary trail mix and Diet
Coke that the League provided). There were multiple speakers that presented in
order to break up the monotony. We heard perspectives from each of our Provisional
Committee members, the JLC board and my favorite was hearing from a past JLC President,
Kristy Ellenberg. She touched on the highlights of Junior League’s history and by
the end of her speech, I was moved and motivated to get involved with the League
and make some history of my own. By the end of orientation, I had successfully added
all meeting dates for the next year into my phone and was ready for Happy Hour!
Happy Hour was a great way to end our first mandatory event
with plenty of great food, drinks and laughs. I think everyone was excited for
the year to come and I met plenty of other awesome women!
This next year is going to be a whirlwind, but I’m looking
forward to the multiple opportunities ahead of giving back to the community and
making new friends through the Junior League of Columbia!
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